TIL - Episode 3. Mocking node modules.
- In order to mock the node fs module with Jest, we need to make whats called a Manual Mock.
- https://github.com/echobind/eb-scripts/pull/8/files#diff-3dbad05e428063061d9a3a717674a5f1
- The important thing to note is that this needs to exist alongside the
- The important thing to note is that this needs to exist alongside the
- https://github.com/echobind/eb-scripts/pull/8/files#diff-3dbad05e428063061d9a3a717674a5f1
If the module you are mocking is a Node module (e.g.: lodash), the mock should be placed in the mocks directory adjacent to node_modules
– Mocking Node Modules, Jest Documentation
- Once you add the mock, the template for your test would look something like this
// src/utils/my.test.ts
afterEach(() => {
// reset your modules after each test
test("some test that requires the non-mocked node module", () => {
// add your test here
test("some test that mocks the fs module in order to test the expected outcome", () => {
// add your test here
- If you want to test out some global node object, such as process - you can do the following:
test("some test that mocks the global process object", () => {
jest.spyOn(process, "cwd").mockImplementation(() => "well..hello there!")
// add your test here